Installing NetScope from ISO using custom hardware

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  3. Installing NetScope from ISO using custom hardware

This section describes how to install NetScope from a CD ISO image.

Step 1. Download and burn the NetScope ISO image.

  1. First you must download the NetScope ISO image from the link provided by your Turbosoft Networks support representative.
  2. Burn the NetScope ISO image to a blank CD-ROM.
  3. Insert CD-ROM into target computer hardware and power on.
  4. Select the boot option for the CD-ROM.

NOTE: Individual hardware varies so here you must refer to your computer hardware manual for more information on booting from a CD-ROM.

Once you successfully boot from the NetScope CD you will be presented with the NetScope installation boot screen.

  1. Choose ‘Install’ and press ‘Enter’ to continue.


Next you will be presented with a ‘select a language’ screen.

2. You must choose ‘English’. Other languages are not supported at this stage. Press ‘Enter’.


Next, the ‘select your location’ window will appear.

3. Choose ‘Australia’. Location is purely for installation purposes. Time zone adjustment will be made through the user interface once NetScope is installed. Press ‘Enter’.


Next, you will be presented with the clock configuration screen.

4. Choose ‘Sydney’. Again, time zone is changed once NetScope is installed (through the user interface). Press ‘Enter’.


You will be only presented with the following screen if you are using a new hard disk drive and the installation process needs to create partitions. You may not be presented with this screen if you have previously installed NetScope or another Linux based operating system.

5. Choose ‘Yes’ and press ‘Enter’.


The Installer will now ask where you want to install the GRUB boot loader.

6. Choose ‘/dev/sda’ and click ‘Enter’.

NOTE: Depending on your hardware the /dev/sda/ might be slightly different, choose whatever the installer has detected. Do not choose ‘Enter device manually’ unless you know what you’re doing.


After a successful installation the install process will eject the installation media and reboot the system. After reboot NetScope will boot into the console and you will be presented with the following screen:

7. In the address bar of your desktop browser enter the IP address shown on the console screen.


Congratulations! You have successfully installed the NetScope operating system on your hardware.

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