Preferences - User Groups

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  2. Administration
  3. Preferences - User Groups

NetScope attaches each user to a user group in order to give them access and control permissions. By default NetScope comes with an admin group which has full administration rights and is able to create, modify and delete any attribute from within the NetScope dashboard. There is also a default users group which only allows read permissions and has no ability to create new, modify or delete any attribute.

Default administration login details are:

Username: admin
Password: n5admin

Default non-administration user login details are:

Username: ns
Password: ns
To create a new user group:

  1. Select the Preferences from the top menu.
  2. Select the ‘Edit mode’ tab on the top left-hand menu.
  3. Then select ‘User Groups’ or a current group.
  4. Select ‘New’. Enter the Group Name and a Group Description (Optional)
  5. Click Next.

If you select administration privileges, the new group will have the ability to create, modify and delete all editable attributes in NetScope. Otherwise you can individually
select access privileges for each tab in the drop-down list.

After clicking ‘Save’. Your new group will now become available to assign to your users.

To edit an existing user group, in step two select the desiered group and, instead of clicking new, click edit. Follow the remaining steps as described above to alter existing settings.

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